Late payment of invoices

what happens if our invoices are late

The majority of our clients pay invoices straight away and always within the agreed terms.

We understand that some of our customers may encounter difficulties in paying or may have a dispute with the invoice. If this is the case, we encourage you to contact our office straight away.

Our recovery process for late invoices is as follows.

  1. We will contact you by email, phone or text to remind you that the payment is overdue.
  2. If payment is not made we will send a formal demand for payment by email.
  3. We will place a temporary hold on your account until the issues are resolved.
  4. If payment is still not received following this, we will reissue the invoice with a further charge as allowed under the late payment of commercial debts act 1998
  5. If payment is not received, we will issue a debt collection letter and add reasonable debt recovery charges. We may send a debt collection agent to your premises to recover the debt.
  6. We may then either issue you with a County Court Judgement or Statutory demand for payment
  7. If we have issued you with a County Court Judgement, we will apply to the High Court for it to be transferred to a Writ of Control. We will then send a Certificated Enforcement Agent to collect payment or take control of goods.
  8. If we have issued you with a Statutory Demand and you fail to pay, we may make an application to wind your company up or in the case of individuals, we may make a bankruptcy application.

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